How the director was able to take as relatively promising a cast as she had and churn out something as gut-wrenchingly over-acted as she managed is beyond me.
#Decode paramore letra movie

Charlie from Las Vegas, Nvi'll have to agree with sarah in LA even though im not a 'twilighter'.Liam from Donegal, IrelandI like this song, but it's probably the one I like least by Paramore.Caitlyn from Royersford, PaLOVE this song!! Can't stand twilight!!.Megan from Stevenson, AlThis song is awesome! Love her hair in the videoLiam from Dublin, United KingdomIts a decent song Jacob from La Push, WaI like the song and the video is awesome.

James from Hazard, KyI like the song love the story behind it my rating is 10/10.Hayley Willams from Ur Moms HouseThis song is so amazing and highly underrated.