³ Metroid Fusion one of the greatest platform games available on any system. ³ An engrossing story, great graphics and perfected play control combine to make ³ Metroid Fusion delivers several new power- ups as well. ³ bombs, missiles, suits and the arm cannon. Almost everything Samus uses is upgradeable, including ³ can power-up with classic enhancements like the Morph Ball, Space Jump, Screw Attack,

³ the game in a weak state and must locate power-ups to slowly become stronger. Like the original Metroid titles, Samus begins ³ Metroid Fusion expertly mixes action and adventure elements to create a rich, ³ adversary of all is SA-X, the parasite which is mimicking Samus's most powerful form. ³ specimens in the facility's numerous natural habitats, but the most dangerous The parasites mimic all the deadly research ³ she is charged with the task of hunting down the X parasites which are spreading ³ parasites to regain health and power-ups. ³ The bounty hunter's life is saved, and Samus gains the ability to absorb X ³ vaccine made from the DNA of a Metroid, the natural predator of the X parasites. While on the verge of death, Samus is injected with a ³ Known as X, these parasites attack Samus and use their mimicry abilities to copy ³ vast futuristic environments in a mission to destroy an army of deadly parasites. Controlling a bounty hunter named Samus Aran, players explore ³ Metroid Fusion is a side-scrolling action/adventure game with an intriguing ³ comes Metroid Fusion - an all-new adventure starring Samus Aran. ³ From the same team who developed the original smash-hit Metroid titles This game was always one of my favorite GBA games and is a wonderful, terrifying and challenging experience. While more linear than previous Metroid games, lots of unexpected things happen that require you to make your own path through the research station. The game boasts fantastic graphics and creepy tunes. Because you're inherrantly weaker than other metroid games, there's a sense of fear as you navigate the corridors of the BSL station, trying not to get killed. You are then sent aboard the BSL research station where you find X Parasites, as well as an unexpected enemy.

You're saved by a vaccine made from the remains of the baby metroid in Super Metroid, letting you absorb X Parasites without harm, but making you extremely weak to cold like metroids are. The story involves Samus Aran getting infected with the "X Parasite", a mysterious species that kills everything in it's path and replicates the creatures it takes over.
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Metroid Fusion is the fourth main game in the Metroid series and takes place after Super Metroid and Metroid: Other M.